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South Minneapolis Meals on Wheels

December 2020 SMMOW Newsletter

Annual Meeting Elections

SMMOW elected four new directors to the  Board Directors at the Annual Meeting on November 19. Welcome Lisa Bernard, Julie Cahoy, Michael Diko, and Amanda DuFresne.  Lisa has attended Board meetings in the past as Treasurer but is now a voting member of the Board.

Board officers were also elected for one-year terms. Tom Overton, after serving one year as Board Chair, continues in that office and Lisa Bernard continues as Treasurer with no term limit. 


Ev Niebuhr is the new Board Vice Chair and Marian Blattner the new Board Secretary.

Thank you for your service

Great appreciation is due outgoing members of the Board of Directors for their service on the Board. 


Judy Peacock recently served as Secretary and Board member as well as past Board Chairperson. She will continue serving on the Fundraising/Marketing Committee.


Cathy Sieving is retiring as Operations Council Chairperson and Board Member but will continue as a member of the Operations Council.


Jon Larsen is retiring as a valuable Board member for the time being but we hope he will return when he is able. His wise voice will be missed.


December Delivery Schedule

  • Week of Dec. 7: Lake Nokomis Lutheran and Nokomis Heights Lutheran

  • Week of Dec. 14: Holy Trinity Lutheran and Richfield Lutheran

  • Week of Dec. 21: Bethlehem Covenant and Annunciation Catholic

(Meals will not be delivered on Christmas Day, Dec. 25.)​

  • Week of Dec. 28: Lebanon Lutheran and Hope Lutheran

Volunteers Always Needed

We always need more drivers. Even pre-COVID, our cadre of church drivers was aging and we were increasingly relying on community volunteers.


Post-COVID, we've seen an increase of clients while some of our veteran drivers are at high risk and no longer deliver.


If you are already connected to an organization that is a member of  SMMOW, contact your Meals on Wheels Coordinator about volunteering or email us.


If you belong to a church that is not currently a member of SMMOW, email us about becoming a member.


If you belong to a community organization that would like to become a member of SMMOW, email us about becoming a member and adding your organization to our driving rotation.


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